Inscrições de 28/07 a 01/08, na secretaria do PEC.
Histórico Escolar de Graduação e Pós-Graduação, quando for o caso.
Disciplina Eletiva: Advanced Topics on Sustainability - TAS 2017.2
Professora coordenadora: Emilia Rahnemay Kohlman Rabbani
Dias: Terças, 10:30-13:00
Local: Sala I03 - PEC
Publico alvo: alunos de graduação e pós-graduação da POLI/UPE com fluência em Inglês
We are starting in August an English graduate level course at the Civil Engineering and Energy Masters Programs at University of Pernambuco (UPE).
The class "Advanced topics on sustainability - TAS" is a 3-credit course and will have international collaboration with video conference classes and 15 hours of extension activities with the participation of:
- Dr Gabriel Filippelli from IUPUI - How humans interact with the major cycles around the globe
- Prof. Joe Colistra from KU - Smart Cities
- Dr. Martha Jalali Rabbani from KU - Sustainability and Environmental Justice
- Dr.Sérgio Peres UPE - Biodigestor for wastewater treatment
- Dr. Emilia Kohlman Rabbani from UPE - Social Sustainability applied to Construction Projects
We will be meeting on Tuesdays from 10:30 am to 1 pm beginning August 8th. Registrations should be made next week at PEC/POLI/UPE.